Second Season from Spider-Man Series

"The Insidious Six" and "Battle of the Insidious Six" is a two part episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series and two-part second season premiere. In order to finally kill Spider-Man for his enemy, Silvermane, the Kingpin hires six of Spider-Man's most heinous villains to take down Spider-Man. These villains are: Chameleon, Mysterio, Rhino, Scorpion, Shocker and Doctor Octopus. But an even worse threat is born and that threat is Dr. Farley Stillwell's invention of Neogenics is taking away Spider-Man's strength and Spider-Man's powers [more...]

"The Insidious Six" and "Battle of the Insidious Six" is a two part episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series and two-part second season premiere. The six supervillains can't believe their eyes when Spider-Man walks into their trap at the warehouse. Spider-Man is unmasked by the Insidious Six, but manages to convince them that he is a fraud. Peter tells them he will lead them to Spider-Man if they release Aunt May. Meanwhile, Silvermane and the Crime Lords grow more disenchanted with The Kingpin and want to put him out of business, so Kingpin [more...]

"Hydro-Man" is a season two episode of the animated series Spider-Man.The episode begins with Hydro-Man stealing a two million dollar necklace, which was placed on display in a water tank. The guards hit the panic button and Spider-Man appears. He follows Hydro-Man and later Hydro-Man drops Spider-Man in the water tank. When the guards arrive, they think that Spider-Man had stolen the necklace. So, Spider-Man ties up the guards and flees. [more...]

"The Mutant Agenda" and "Mutant' Revenge" is a two-part episode of the animated series Spider-Man. Spider-Man is really beginning to worry about the growing mutation inside of his body. In order to seek a cure he heads to the Xavier mansion and encounters the X-Men. Spider-Man and the X-Men fight for a short time until Spider-Man tells Xavier his plight. Professor X tells Spider-Man that he can't cure him. Spider-Man leaves the mansion angrily, and Beast tells him to go to Herbert Landon who is working on a cure for mutants. [more...]

"The Mutant Agenda" and "Mutant' Revenge" is a two-part episode of the animated series Spider-Man. Wolverine catches up with Spider-Man, hot on the trail of the missing Hank McCoy. Later Hobgoblin steals the mutant technology that Dr. Herbert Landon had prepared for the Kingpin. Spider-Man and Wolverine follow him and discover Beast's location and the plot to destroy all mutant-kind. The two team up and rescue Beast from becoming the first test subject of Landon's plot. But when Landon accidentally falls victim to his own experiment [more...]

"Morbius" is an episode from season 2 of the animated series Spider-Man. Dr. Mariah Crawford has developed a cure for Spidey's disease, but she's reluctant to give an untested serum to Spider-Man that may result in permanent loss of his powers or worse. But after an angry outburst from Spider-Man, she hands it over. Peter, at the ESU lab, is secretly observed by Michael Morbius, who then swipes the infected blood sample after Peter leaves for the night. Working alone in the campus bell tower with borrowed equipment, Morbius [more...]

Enter the Punisher is an episode from the second season of the Spider-Man animated series. Spider-Man drinks a serum that makes him grow 4 extra arms. Marvel anti-hero Punisher thinks Spider-Man is a crook, and chases Spider-Man around. Spider-Man finds out that Michael Morbius has turned into a vampire that is drinking people's plasma. Spider-Man wants to help Michael, but the Punisher is trying to get rid of him. After Punisher finds Spider-Man he tries to throw a rope at him, and it works. Meanwhile, J. Jonah Jameson tries to make the Punisher a hero [more...]

Neogenic Nightmare, Chapter VIII: "Duel of the Hunters" is an episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series.Spider-Man's horrifying genetic mutation reaches its culmination as he transforms into the Man-Spider. Dr. Mariah Crawford summons Sergi Kravenoff, better known as Kraven The Hunter, to help her track down Spider-Man and cure him of his mutation with a newly developed antidote. Unfortunately, the Punisher seeks to destroy the monster. Later Crawford succeeds and gives Spider-Man the antidote and he turns back to normal. [more...]

"Blade the Vampire Hunter" is an episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series. It has been released on DVD along with the episodes Enter the Green Goblin and I Really, Really Hate Clones. [1] It was later released again in 2009 along with the rest of season two. The vampire hunter Blade arrives in New York to destroy Morbius, but Spider-Man wants to revert Morbius back into his human form. When Spider-Man reveals that Morbius is the victim [more...]

"The Immortal Vampire" is an episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series. Spider-Man and Blade put aside their differences in an attempt to prevent Morbius from using the Neogenic Recombinator to transform everyone into vampires. They team with Lt. Terri Lee, whom falls for Blade. Morbius kidnaps Aunt May, followed by Felicia Hardy planning her to be the first whom he transforms using the Recombinator. [more...]

Tablet of Time is a season two episode of the Spider-Man animated series. his episode begins with three men, dressed in explorer’s clothing, staring at the pyramid before them. They explain that it is ten centuries old, and that inside it is the Tablet of Time. A news segment describes the Tablet of Time, which supposedly grants the person who properly uses it eternal youth. It will be studied at Empire State University. The Kingpin watches the news, and when the news reporter informs the public that offers as high as fifty million dollars for the tablet have been rejected, the Kingpin decides that he must have it. Meanwhile, Peter realizes that all of the criminals who will be trying to steal the artifact. [more...]

"Ravages of Time" is an episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series.Tombstone kidnaps Dr. Connors, whilst Alisha Silver is kidnapped by Hammerhead. The Kingpin is then informed by Silvermane that he has kidnapped his wife, although Kingpin uses Alisha to bribe his wife back. Meanwhile, Tombstone forces Doc Connors to recreate the pyramid in which was once the home of the Tablet of Time. Silvermane then arrives, however, demanding that Doc help him restore his youth. Once informed that Hammerhead has betrayed him to the Kingpin, Silvermane suggests to the Kingpin that [more...]

"Shriek of the Vulture" is an episode from season 2 of the animated series Spider-Man. It is part one of the two-part second season finale, introducing The Vulture to the series. However, the episode was banned after the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, due to similarities to the attack. When Norman Osborn attempts to take over Toomes Aeronautical, Adrian Toomes, using the Tablet of Times to steal youth from anyone he touches, suits up as the Vulture to destroy Norman Osborn. The Vulture drains the youth from Spider-Man turning him into an old man. [more...]

"The Final Nightmare" is an episode from season 2 of the Spider-Man animated series. The episode ends with a cliffhanger, setting up the third season premiere and the theme of the season. As with the previous episode, it was banned following the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, due to similarities to the attack. Spider-Man seeks Curt Connors' aid to help reverse the aging effects of the Vulture's talons. After absorbing Spider-Man's youth, and DNA, the Vulture mutates into the man-spider. The Scorpion grabs Dr. Farley Stillwell to seek a cure for his own mutation. Spider-Man eventually regains his youth, and manages to stop the Vulture and Scorpion. [more...]
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